Wednesday, April 3, 2019

“I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;” Psalms I thank you individually for This simple message and I don’t even know where to start with thank you or I need to pay this forward, I want to join you at your next prayer group, I want to mow everyone of your lawns, repair your technology, cook for you, show up for your child’s event, give you all high fives,  … I have been given a gift of Life. So, for now,
There are too many too name and so many I haven’t even realized.
I Thank you Lord with all my heart; I thank you "first to respond "
for all your skills, all the medical professionals (Doctors, surgeons, nurses, Lab Techs, custodial, business department, café, the list goes on and on)
 for all you have given me. I am humbled
I thank you all for your prayers.
I thank others for their strong words of encouragement.
I thank my extended family
(first cousins that make me laugh and encourage me – who are all gifted and so smart)
I could try to answer what happened, I could try to so how long, but the truth is I am simply humbled to be here. May the Peace of the Lord be with you all.
That’s the broadcast message, but know I want to do more as time continues.
Mark 10

1.                    Which verse did you like the most or which verse “spoke” to you the most?

2.             Discuss verses 1-16.  As followers of Jesus Christ, our values sometimes conflict with what the "world" values.  Discuss what Jesus is teaching us to value about marriage?  Note:  verses 13-16 talk about children.  Discuss the importance of children in marriage.

3.             Discuss verses 17-31.  Jesus continues to teach us about our responsibility "to strive" to enter the Kingdom of God.  Discuss how Jesus challenges us to re-prioritize what we value in life.  

4.             Discuss verses 32-45.  Jesus foretells his suffering, death and resurrection.  Afterwards, James and John ask for a high recognition in the afterlife.  Discuss how the other disciples reacted and discuss how Jesus responded?  Above, I ask of you to identify the "value" in the different stories.  Can you identify any values in Jesus dialogue with James and John?

5.             Discuss verses 46-52, especially the "good works" that Bartimaeus put forth.

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