Wednesday, April 3, 2019

“I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;” Psalms I thank you individually for This simple message and I don’t even know where to start with thank you or I need to pay this forward, I want to join you at your next prayer group, I want to mow everyone of your lawns, repair your technology, cook for you, show up for your child’s event, give you all high fives,  … I have been given a gift of Life. So, for now,
There are too many too name and so many I haven’t even realized.
I Thank you Lord with all my heart; I thank you responder for all your skills, all the medical professionals (Doctors, surgeons, nurses, Lab Techs, custodial, business department, café, the list goes on and on)
 for all you have given me. I am humbled
I thank you all for your prayers.
I thank others for their strong words of encouragement.
I thank my extended family
(first cousins that make me laugh and encourage me – who are all gifted and so smart)
I could try to answer what happened, I could try to so how long, but the truth is I am simply humbled to be here. May the Peace of the Lord be with you all.
That’s the broadcast message, but know I want to do more as time continues.
Mark 10

1.                    Which verse did you like the most or which verse “spoke” to you the most?

2.             Discuss verses 1-16.  As followers of Jesus Christ, our values sometimes conflict with what the "world" values.  Discuss what Jesus is teaching us to value about marriage?  Note:  verses 13-16 talk about children.  Discuss the importance of children in marriage.

3.             Discuss verses 17-31.  Jesus continues to teach us about our responsibility "to strive" to enter the Kingdom of God.  Discuss how Jesus challenges us to re-prioritize what we value in life.  

4.             Discuss verses 32-45.  Jesus foretells his suffering, death and resurrection.  Afterwards, James and John ask for a high recognition in the afterlife.  Discuss how the other disciples reacted and discuss how Jesus responded?  Above, I ask of you to identify the "value" in the different stories.  Can you identify any values in Jesus dialogue with James and John?

5.             Discuss verses 46-52, especially the "good works" that Bartimaeus put forth.

“I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;” Psalms I thank you individually for This simple message and I don’t even know where to start with thank you or I need to pay this forward, I want to join you at your next prayer group, I want to mow everyone of your lawns, repair your technology, cook for you, show up for your child’s event, give you all high fives,  … I have been given a gift of Life. So, for now,
There are too many too name and so many I haven’t even realized.
I Thank you Lord with all my heart; I thank you "first to respond "
for all your skills, all the medical professionals (Doctors, surgeons, nurses, Lab Techs, custodial, business department, café, the list goes on and on)
 for all you have given me. I am humbled
I thank you all for your prayers.
I thank others for their strong words of encouragement.
I thank my extended family
(first cousins that make me laugh and encourage me – who are all gifted and so smart)
I could try to answer what happened, I could try to so how long, but the truth is I am simply humbled to be here. May the Peace of the Lord be with you all.
That’s the broadcast message, but know I want to do more as time continues.
Mark 10

1.                    Which verse did you like the most or which verse “spoke” to you the most?

2.             Discuss verses 1-16.  As followers of Jesus Christ, our values sometimes conflict with what the "world" values.  Discuss what Jesus is teaching us to value about marriage?  Note:  verses 13-16 talk about children.  Discuss the importance of children in marriage.

3.             Discuss verses 17-31.  Jesus continues to teach us about our responsibility "to strive" to enter the Kingdom of God.  Discuss how Jesus challenges us to re-prioritize what we value in life.  

4.             Discuss verses 32-45.  Jesus foretells his suffering, death and resurrection.  Afterwards, James and John ask for a high recognition in the afterlife.  Discuss how the other disciples reacted and discuss how Jesus responded?  Above, I ask of you to identify the "value" in the different stories.  Can you identify any values in Jesus dialogue with James and John?

5.             Discuss verses 46-52, especially the "good works" that Bartimaeus put forth.